GoodGym Southampton

SouthamptonCommunity mission
EllieAbbyKathrynChris C

Take time to smell the roses…

Monday 16th September

Written by Ellie (She/her)

Or in this case the vintage toilet water! Another evening of uncovering hidden treasures while sorting the donations for Rose Road’s pop up charity shop in October. From vintage perfumes to magical heat packs (or magiral heat packs?!) to mix tapes (CDs) to giant pipe cleaners to knitted cardigans of every size. We sorted it all. We hope Rose Road raise lots of money at their sale next month. We wouldn’t be surprised if some GoodGymers sneak back to purchase some bargain “Tweed”!

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SouthamptonCommunity mission
FinnualaChris C

The Launch of Pick and Pub

Thursday 12th September

Written by Finnuala (She/her)

On a sunny and splendid evening in Shirley, the Pub and Pick 2.0 commenced. It's a small movement which will gain tracktion, and the neighbouring areas were well chosen for tonight's litter pick. Coming across many bottle caps, bits of plastic and children's sippy cups broken into pieces, the Pick and Pub crew collected two bags of rubbish to benefit the inhabitants living on the border between Shirley and Freemantle. Not only did the locals thank us, but we came across a lot of rubbish (not documented to protect identities) which was safely placed into bags to help clear the local neighbourhood. Our social deed was polished off with the Pub part of the Pick and Pub which was well received by Chris and myself to finish off a busy week. The evening became crisp with with clear skies to end our session. Long live the movement!

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SouthamptonCommunity mission
Chris CEllieKathrynWilsonSarah RitchieFinnuala

Barrows of laughs!

Monday 9th September

Written by Lauren

10 awesome goodgymers rocked up at the farm tonight eager and keen to do business!

We were back on muck shovelling duty transporting wheelbarrows full of muck between the compost heaps and the maze site.

We split into two groups - Abby, Sarah, Kathryn, Wilson and Ellie were at the far end of the farm and myself, Finnuala (celebrating the big 50) Serena and Chris nearer the bottom and the maze. Hannah was chief overseer and organiser making sure the compost got to where it needed to go.

Ellie decided to see how long it would take to run end of the farm to the other - 1 minute 11 seconds it turns out!

Chat was fun and good humoured and made the hour go quickly.

Wilson got a fit of the giggles discussing trees and board game discussions were ongoing in our camp.

We ended the evening with cakes to celebrate all the achievements this evening and went home happy and content goodgymers

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SouthamptonCommunity mission

The never ending story

Monday 9th September

Written by Lauren

Its no exaggeration when we say that there are 10,000 leaflets needing delivering for the farm - there really are 10,000 leaflets needing delivering.

Although my memory skills were discussed this evening (being photographic) i honestly cannot keep tabs on how many leaflets weve delivered now. I think we must be over 1000 delivered.

This task saw the celebration of Hannah 50th task! She wore the badge with pride around surrounding roads before handing the honours over to Finnuala who was to be celebrating her 50th at the next task which followed.

We had a nice stroll and chat before heading back to the farm

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SouthamptonCommunity mission

The finishing touches

Sunday 8th September

Written by Lauren

I spent just over an hour and a half this evening putting the finishing touches to the fairy doors - adding a coat of varnish to all 45!!

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SouthamptonCommunity mission

The Environmental Picking Piranhas of Woolston!

Sunday 8th September

Written by Stephanie (She/Her)

A hearty gang of Good Gymer's met up with the Woolston Wombles for a litter pick in and around the bridge area in Woolston. We all set off under the Itchen Bridge armed with our litter pickers and black sacks. Wilson, Finnuala, Ellie and Stephanie were on general waste collecting followed up by Can Queen 👑 Lauren. Young April was there to make sure we spotted everything as her beady eyes and pointer made sure we did a thorough pick. Some lovely finds as usual by Wilson and Finnuala's sweet little fishy🎣made us all smile. We were also joined by a helpful passerby who stopped to roll down lots of cans and left some piles of waste. An ideal opportunity to give him some information about Good Gym and the Woolston Wombles regular picks. A great hours work and lots of cans collected for the Hampshire Ambulance as they get the proceeds from the recycled aluminium. Woolston Wombles were very happy to have us tag along so we will be back.

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