Colchester Borough Homes

63 GoodGymers have supported Colchester Borough Homes with 45 tasks.

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Colchester Borough Homes task!

Monday 14th October 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Colchester Borough Homes task!

Monday 11th November 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Colchester Borough Homes task!

Monday 9th December 2024 6:45pm - 8:30pm

Previous sessions
ColchesterGroup run
Carole ThorntonFrazerSophie Brown

Alls fair in love and Wor(snop)

Monday 12th August

Written by Frazer

On a scorching hot evening our depleted team of Sophie and I took a light jog down to Worsnop house for one our our borough homes jobs.

A quick sip of water, then down to some grouting between the pavement stones and clearing our weeds. In short time we made a much clearer space, before a stroll back to town and chat about weddings, jobs and what life is all about.

As always nice to get out and do some good, onto the next task...

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ColchesterGroup run
FrazerDeniseElla J

Knew weed do a good job!

Monday 8th July

Written by Ella J (She/her)

Three GoodGymers tackled a lot of weeds for the residents of Walnut Tree House. We just hope there is some nice weather for them to enjoy their outside space soon!

Well done all, see you next time!

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ColchesterGroup run
TavLavinia SpurlingSophie BrownFrazer

Goodgym does layers of good...

Monday 10th June

Written by Tav (he/him)

Is it really June?! The date says it is but the weather is more autumnal, so we needed to keep busy to keep warm, and a brisk walk and jog did just the well as the warm welcome to Lavinia for her first good deed. Give her a cheer on the Goodgym website!

Our task was not for weeds. Or should I say it was for weeds(?) as we tidied up the front of The Cannons, removing a huge amounts of bind weed, grouting the concrete areas and weeding the flowers beds.

Another great job done to tidy up a Colchester Borough Homes space, another good run for our Fitness and mental health and we continue to help our community - layers of good on Layer Road.

Have a great week and see you next time.

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ColchesterGroup run

The pathway to success...

Monday 13th May

Written by Tav (he/him)

Colchester Borough Homes Sheltered Housing schemes are spread across the city. Last night we made our way to the East, the last suburb before Abberton and Mersea Island.

We met Jacqueline who gave us tools and joined us in grouting, weeding and improving a windy path from the road to the homes courtyard.

A big visible difference and a good arm workout.

On these lovely light evenings it is great to get out and do some good.

We have a Community Mission on Sunday with Junior Parkrun and helping Colchester in Bloom on Monday.

On another note, our numbers are still low and I am keen to improve that. What can I do differently? Is Monday not working for people? Do you want more fitness work? Let me, our run leaders (Ella and Frazer) or the Tsskforce(Helen, Stu, Louise) know?

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ColchesterGroup run
Bob Thompson

Who runs the world ? GoodGym Volunteers!

Monday 8th April

Written by Tav (he/him)

Well, actually this run report title, inspired by Beyonce's 2011 song 'Run the World', is pretty accurate. Let us use the wonderful city of Colchester as an example. . So we volunteer to help and in Colchester all major city events, races, festivals, art galleries, theatres, charities and even the police rely on volunteers. So I would like to sing the praises of the unsung, in Colchester and beyond. The people who see that change needs a proactive run things!

Other than hearing a Beyonce song on the radio, this report is inspired by Bob, a Goodgymer since 2017, who has returned to Goodgym, was missed and is an incredibly committed and hard working member of the team.

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ColchesterGroup run

Workout of Moss Destruction

Wednesday 13th March

Written by Tav (he/him)

If you wanted to demonstrate to someone who knew nothing about Goodgym, what we do, this task was one to watch.

After meeting at The Mercury Theatre, we ran through Abbey Fields and met Annabel before heading to John Lampon Court, a Colchester Borough Homes residential home with a lovely courtyard to maintain. So the first element of Goodgym we demonstrated was actively traveling to the task for a few kilometers.

Secondly, the task was a physical battle. Goodgymers armed with metal bristled brushes scrubbing moss away and sweeping it up into a bin. Imagine Curling but instead of ice, concrete!! a tough arm workout!

And thirdly socializing, chatting, thinking of puns and knowing we made the paths less slippery. Satisfying job done.

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