Friends of Leagrave Park

34 GoodGymers have supported Friends of Leagrave Park with 54 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Leagrave Park Litter Pick

Saturday 28th September 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm

Previous sessions
LutonCommunity mission
Martin RLaura CheekGillDuncanSheikh Nabeel Azhar

You Gotta Roll With It

Saturday 31st August

Written by Duncan

5 Goodgym Rock n Roll Stars enjoyed the nearly sunsheeiiiiine looking after the trees Round Are Way at Leagrave Park.

Ferrying water felt like Half A World Away, but we had a Masterplan with access to the water tap in the compound.

Filling our water carrier we took turns to Roll With It, being careful not to let it Slide Away down the slope to the cricket pitch, to give our trees some much needed sustenance.

Watering, mulching and weeding maintenance over the months has meant that Little By Little the trees are growing stronger and will hopefully Live Forever.

We then joined the Friends of Leagrave Park litter to help find Cigarettes and Alcohol and Bag It Up.

Whatever you say there’s a lot to be said about The Importance of (not) Being Idle.

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LutonCommunity mission
Martin RAbim AdejumoLaura CheekGillDuncanMusa Kamara

We'll never tyre of litterpicks at Leagrave Park

Saturday 31st August

Written by Martin R

Another month another litterpick at Leagrave Park. 8 of Luton Goodgyms finest turned out with the monthly event held by the FoLP. Over 25 bags of rubbish were collected along with a hub cap, the back seat of a car and a tyre. Kev from ABCD-IN-LUTON brought along a new contraption to essentially vacuum the cigarette 🚬 butt's off the floor. That was a wonder to behold. Great effort by everyone today. 👏

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LutonCommunity mission
Martin RDuncanDavid Mansfield

Water Tree-tment

Saturday 10th August

Written by Duncan

3 goodgymers made there way to Leagrave Park for a post parkrun drink with the Peace Initiative trees.

After a dry couple of weeks and with more good weather forecast the trees had a plentiful drink to keep them healthy and ready to hit the autumn.

Martin managed to get the keys to the compound for access to the tap(!!), so no sliding down the riverbank to draw water this time - a much more civilized event!

More water to come in a couple of weeks time before the Friends of Leagrave Park litter pick.

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LutonCommunity mission
Martin RLaura CheekDuncanDerrick Etoyu

They tree me rollin’

Saturday 27th July

Written by Laura Cheek

Luton GoodGymers headed out to try and quench the thirst of some recently planted saplings. However being a long way from a water source meant lots of team work to draw up water from the local river (not helped by BOTH buckets having sprung a leak) and some heavy work to get enough water over to the planted area, A task much improved by Duncan’s recent find of a rolling water barrel! The poor saplings were being strangled by long grass and weeds so then it was time to dig in and give them some breathing space. Once each of had a healthy space it was time to treat them to the river water before they were mulched. Over half the saplings were cared for before the bank to the river became too slippery to safely continue drawing up water. Thinking caps are on for how to manage this for future tasks as these saplings will need a lot more water over the summer to get established.

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LutonCommunity mission
Martin RLaura CheekNeil ShahDuncanPam FarquharDerrick Etoyu

No ducking out of this task

Saturday 27th July

Written by Martin R

Today 6 of Luton Goodgym's finest helped the Friends of Leagrave Park with thier monthly community litterpick. The team was joined by members of the local community and Kevin from ABCD-IN-LUTON. We helped to collect around 20 bags of litter, part of a car engine, a bike wheel, a child buggy and of course the somewhat obligatory shopping trolley. Pam got a lovely picture of some ducks in the river enjoying a swim on a hot day, we could have all got in but people might have thought we were quackers The park looked much tidier for our efforts. Well done today team 👏 fantastic effort 👌

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LutonCommunity mission
RebeccaLizzy BurchJenny SDuncanSheetal BhardwajNeil Shah

Better safe than sorry

Saturday 29th June

Written by Martin R

It was a scorcher at Leagrave Park this morning for this months litterpick as 8 of our dedicated Goodgymers got there sun hats and sun block out so they could support the Friends of Leagrave Park and abcd-in-luton with regular community litterpick. it was lovely to walk about in such a beautiful setting, which benefits so much from a monthly tidy up. Today there was roughly 15 bags collected, a buggy and a safe... yes a safe. Its fair to say it was a workout carrying (and dragging) it back to base. The folp had provided water for everyone that wanted it which was greatly appreciated at the end of the task. Magnificent effort today team 👏

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