Friends of People's Park

24 GoodGymers have supported Friends of People's Park with 11 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Perfecting People's Park

Saturday 5th October 2024 10:00am - 11:30am

Perfecting People's Park

Saturday 2nd November 2024 10:00am - 11:30am

Perfecting People's Park

Saturday 7th December 2024 10:00am - 11:30am

Previous sessions
LutonCommunity mission
Martin RGillYasin LutaleYosef Bushe

Welcoming a new friend to a familiar task

Saturday 7th September

Written by Martin R

4 Goodgymers made their way to Peoples Park, to help the Friends of Peoples Park with their monthly litterpick. The team welcomed Yousef to his first task as we all got stuck in to help the team of volunteers collect well over 20 bags of litter, around 8 of which were all filled with recyclable waste. It was a lovely day for a stroll in the park and making such a positive impact on the environment made it all the more enjoyable. Well done team 👏

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LutonCommunity mission
David MansfieldMartin RPam Farquhar

Helping Friends keep their park clean

Saturday 3rd August

Written by Martin R

2 Goodgymers from Luton's ranks helped Friends of Peoples Park this weekend with their monthly litterpick. There were about 15 people from the local community that attended and roughly 20 bags were collected. Great effort by all involved.

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LutonCommunity mission
David MansfieldDerrick EtoyuRebeccaMartin RYasin LutaleLukyamuzi Ibrahim

100 not out and rain didn't stop play

Saturday 6th July

Written by Martin R

The weather was not in anyway appealing this morning, but a little rain was not going to stop Goodgym Luton getting out and supporting the monthly community litterpick at People's Park. Especially when there is a GG milestone to celebrate 🍾 🙌 👏 👌 👍🏻 😀 🍾. We joined the Friends of Peoples Park and a group of volunteers from another organisation in Luton and litterpicked around 12 bags of rubbish. As I mentioned before though, the highlight was celebrating Rebecca's 100th Goodgym task, well done for achieving this milestone, I can't wait to see you with your wings.

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LutonCommunity mission
David MansfieldGillDerrick EtoyuMartin RMusa Kamara

You've Done Too Much, Much Too Dung

Saturday 1st June

Written by Gill (She/her)

While we may not be a musically gifted, a group of us paused in our litter pick to pose for a sultry photo good enough to grace the front of any early '80s album. We'd had a busy morning, having previously taken part in Parkrun before walking or cycling to meet the rest of the group for our monthly tidy up of People's Park. Fun Boy 3 - David, Musa and Derrick had taken the lower slopes of the park while Martin and Gill had scaled the hill initially sorting out a number of dog waste bags then going further to clean up an encampment before joining the three others making up The Specials of the morning. As we completed our clean up Musa had a narrow escape with another pile of doggy dung by one of the bins and we felt we might not have "Done Too Much" but at least we'd done enough to make sure we didn't have a "Dirty Old Town".

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LutonCommunity mission
Joseph EKiduRebeccaLukyamuzi IbrahimJoseph EkiduYasin LutaleDerrick Etoyu

People's Park Pick and Mix

Saturday 4th May

Written by David Mansfield

Making the most of a sunny Saturday morning, our team of 8 joined the regular Friends of People's park for a thorough tidy up of the playing field and the woods.

Splitting up in pairs we covered the whole park in an hour, collecting six bags of rubbish and three bags of cans for recycling!

Afterwards we rewarded ourselves with a visit to Lagoa Cafe for coffees and chats with our newest members.

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LutonCommunity mission
GillYasin LutaleMartin RJINGO IBRAHIMLaura Cheek

Litterpicking lottery

Saturday 6th April


I walked from Lea halls to the peoples park. I managed to get to the people park before 10.00am. This helped me to see other GoodGymers get to the place and I came to know each and every GoodGymer that participated in the mission. This morning saw our monthly visit to People's Park, to help the Friends group with their regular litterpick. 4 of Luton's Goodgymers made it to the task this month, and we welcomed Jingo to his first task. After the usual do's and don'ts brief, we got stuck in and set off in different directions to cover as much of the park as possible. The litterpicks always give us some interesting finds and this time was no different. Whilst clearing a spot that is well known for people camping out, I found (roughly) 30 lottery scratch cards, which is a first for me whilst litterpicking. Needless to say, I imagine they were all losing cards, but the winner was the nice clear space that was left after picking them all up. When we finished litterpicking, we helped move some mulch from a large pile to the orchard for another job the Friends group were undertaking later in the day. This was a successful task, that we all enjoyed and we look forward to supporting next month. Great effort team, well done

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