Christine McAuliffe


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Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe went on a community mission

Thu 5th Oct 2023 at 10:30am

Can it bean the end of an era?

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

6 seasoned Goodgymers and Patwho is now an official Goodgymer having worked hard in the rile of "mother of goodgymer" for so many years, and Rob all worked hard at the last Foodbank in St George's. Food for 55 was sorted, weighed and handed out. It was lovely to see Christine back for a final horaah before jet setting off to London town.

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Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe signed up to a community mission.

Thu 5th Oct 2023 at 10:30am

St George's Thursday Food Bank

Prepare and distribute food parcels

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Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe done a 6 month mission streak. 🤩

Thursday 13th July 2023

Ethan Hunt

Ethan Hunt

Christine McAuliffe done a 6 month mission streak.

Christine just completed a six month streak of doing missions. That’s so many bags of garden rubbish cleared and jobs done to help someone out and put a smile on their face. Give Christine a cheer to encourage them to keep up the good work.

JaneDave MWilson
Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe went on a community mission

Thu 13th Jul 2023 at 12:15pm

Stack, rack and pack

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

3 goodgymers swiftly packed away the foodbank and twizelled the dollies into the storeroom with practised skill!

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JaneDave M
Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe went on a community mission

Thu 13th Jul 2023 at 10:30am

Poetry in motion

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

In the food bank's storeroom, a scene unfolds, Where hearts of kindness and generosity behold. 5 Goodgymers gather, ready to lend a hand, Packing food parcels, spreading hope across the land. With crates and boxes stacked up high, We sort and organize, with every try. Cans of nourishment, stacked up high, Tinned tomatoes and beans make the time fly. Goodgym pack and distribute, with hearts full and strong, Spreading warmth and kindness, where it belongs.

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WilsonJaneDave M

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Mon 17th Jul 2023 at 2:12pm

nice words dude

Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe went on a group run

Wed 12th Jul 2023 at 6:00pm

Supermarket Sweep!

Portsmouth Report written by Jen Stoneham

Our Group Run took us to King's Church Food Bank today, and we had three separate groups travelling to the task today; runners, walkers and cyclists!

Leanne had plenty of tasks to keep us busy. the majority of the squad were in the church hall loading trolleys and crates ready for Food Bank Users to come and collect on Friday.

The second team were in the warehouse unpacking and stacking a massive delivery from Tesco. Although a regular at our St George's Food Bank tasks, Christine came along this evening for her first Group Run, so give her a cheer! I must apologise as Team Warehouse had a very high ratio of innuendos in our chat this evening 😳

We were kept well hydrated by Leanne and her family who were with us this evening, and Sinéad even provided watermelon! A very sophisticated evening.

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Dave MJudy KnappJane
Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe signed up to a community mission.

Thu 13th Jul 2023 at 10:30am

St George's Thursday Food Bank

Prepare and distribute food parcels

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Dave M
Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe went on a community mission

Thu 29th Jun 2023 at 12:15pm

Too efficient? Never!

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

3 Goodgymers speedily packed away the foodbank crates ready for t=next week. We didn't snap a "shelfie" this week instead a pic of us having a crate time rolling the trolleys back to the store house! Quick and efficient, too efficent? never!

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Dave MJane
Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe went on a community mission

Thu 29th Jun 2023 at 10:30am

Can we do it? Packet it in!

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

3 Goodgymers ran, walked and journeyed to the foodbank ready to embark on a crate adventure. In the tight space we did well not to get "jammed" between crates, as we knew our efforts would help "irish stew" away hunger. One could say we transformed the foodbank into a cornucopia of hope and nourishment. I am feel it was more just Goodgymers doing what we do and helping how we can, can by baked bean can to make the world a little more crate.

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Dave MJane
Christine McAuliffe
Christine McAuliffe went on a community mission

Tue 27th Jun 2023 at 9:00am

Peaceful Podcast packing

Portsmouth Report written by Katie London

1 Goodgymer enjoyed the solitude of the Kings Foodbank whilst packing crates for needy families!

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Dave MJane
