Wednesday 12th February 2020
Report written by Tav (he/him)
*Fifteen beautiful people spread a little love and leaflets in the Dutch Quarter and St Mary's Field area. *
We began our group run with some amazing news of local and national Goodgym events and community missions as well as the Goodgym Games in Oxford!
Vanessa is our shining star with her epic PB as she approaches 100 good deeds!!
We warmed up in the windless but cold night and leafleted like a storm. (Storm Goodgym??)
Once complete it was time for a race and we relayed up and down Balkerne Hill with the winners being rewarded with squats! We kept moving with Wagamama on our minds and a solid stretching and strength session before making our way for a well deserved meal.
Epic as usual. Nom nom.
If you are reading this and wondering about the title...well we found a Mr Bump cup abandoned in the road and adopted it. Cute.
Help keep paths clear of trip hazards for elderly residents