Wednesday 21st September 2022
Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)
We met outside Miltoncross and every time I said a name, that person appeared! Is that how manifesting works?! On our way to Shearwater we were passed by a little white car containing 3 GoodGymers and we also scooped up India. On arrival we were officially signed in and then taken round the side into the garden.
We were very pleased to welcome John back tonight, thanks to Vicki and chauffeur Wilson (& the little white car) for making that happen. I knew there'd be a way to keep that good deed streak going, plus he did an excellent job of chief photographer.
Harry and Tony got rid of the school day's frustrating by digging up and pulling out weeds. Harry is definitely the person if you want a flower bed clearing....
Sam did battle with the nettles and lost. Jo did an excellent job of identifying the plants while Sinéad and Aoife filled up many a black bin bag with weeds whilst catching up on the GG news.
Jen crowned herself the saviour of worms and moved a couple in to a marriage on an island with an objector joining them later... I think we can see where Alice gets her creativity from!
Once we had pulled up enough weeds to fill all the bags, Vicki provided us with club biscuits and Tunnocks tea cakes, greatly appreciated by all!