Wednesday 11th April 2018
Report written by Colchester runner
It's no yolk, this evening's run was egg-ceptional! First we welcomed our newest hatchling to the group, little Allegra - it was great to see David and Angela, too. Angela was egg-stremely impressed with how much the group has been growing recently. We also welcomed Kate to the group, joining us for her first Goodgym outing, and Beth visiting from GG Wandsworth.
Congratulations were given to those that attended the Little Bromley 10k on Sunday and well done to Ian and Susie for getting egg-cellent PBs.
After a quick game of knee-tag to get ourselves warmed up we made our way to Firstsite, with Ian leading at the front and Michelle back marking.
Upon arrival, Eddie greeted us and was egg-static about the number of GGers there to help. We made our way to the room we would be painting, but as there was such a good turn out, Eddie hatched a new plan and opened up a second room to be painted, but in a slightly different shade of white! We scrubbed, we sanded, we painted and we rolled and Eddie was left shell shocked at the amount of work we were able to get done in such a short amount of time, a task he wouldn't have been able to get done on his own. Once tidied up, many of us enjoyed a cup of tea before heading outside for some egg-ercise in preparation for the upcoming Goodgym Olympics.
We started with a 'Not-quite-100m Sprints' and then moved on to what we were really egg-cited about... egg and spoon racing! We raced forwards, we raced backwards and we even hopped, but there were very few eggs dropped. Watch out Goodgym Olympic area teams, you have competition! That said, I saw a few people cheat at egg 'n' spoon, but omlettin' it slide...
After that some of the group peeled off to enjoy some egg fried rice and other delicious non-egg based foods at the Noodle Bar, whilst the rest of us made our way back to Leisure World.
Many thanks to our egg-spert punners Ella, Tav and Fay, for giving fine egg-samples of puns, it was egg-sactly the egg-stravagence this report need!
As always, it was an egg-cellent evening Rollin' with my homies...!
What's the verdict, would one egg pun have been un oeuf?
Thu 12th Apr 2018 at 9:01am
Good report Chrissie
Thu 12th Apr 2018 at 9:17am
Thanks Chrissie for leading a great task force. All those scrambled words make a funny read + all punners need to be careful to coddle their ideas so they are not poached!
Thu 12th Apr 2018 at 9:20am
Some great punning action here. I am in awe. Well done!
Thu 12th Apr 2018 at 11:57am
As hard as I fry I can't resist a good pun! Great report!
Thu 12th Apr 2018 at 2:58pm
Cracking all round!!
Thu 12th Apr 2018 at 6:28pm
Welcome Allegra!
Help all those food bank heroes by sweeping up