Monday 17th February 2020
Report written by Leanne (she/her)
35 GoodGym Yorkies met on a surprisingly dry and only slightly windy evening to help out at St Nick's
We started by celebrating John who smashed his sub 30min parkrun goal at weekend, as well as Jackie's 100th parkrun and Paul Kelly's new parkrun PB.
At St Nick's we met Jonathan who beautifully demonstrated our tree planting task for the evening.
I can't believe I'm showing GoodGym how to dig a hole!
There were a selection of Bird Cherry, Alder and Goat Willow to plant. Jonathan initially tried to put stakes in the ground to indicate where the trees were to be planted, but after 15 minutes of being followed around like the pied piper, and not quite being able to keep up with demand, he declared that we could plant trees anywhere there was space.
It's a tree for all! (Nick)
Within 30 minutes all of the trees (and some things that looked suspiciously like sticks with roots) were in their new homes.
We assembled in the empty car park for a game of alphabet fitness - a 10 second exercise for every letter of the alphabet. There was one slightly awkward moment when a family walked by during G (Groin thrusts) but other than that, everyone had a jolly good time!
Tue 18th Feb 2020 at 7:49am
Love it! But wondering if goat willow is even a real tree?
Tue 18th Feb 2020 at 8:13am
So were we, but it checks out on Google! Apparently they couldn't get any pussy (willow)
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