Albrighton Community Garden

Reviving and maintaining the garden space outside Albrighton Community Fridge
We are clearing and replanting the beds outside Albrighton Community Fridge which provides a food bank service for around 100 families per day. We plant veg and herbs that can be handed out at the Fridge, and flowers/plants that make it more beautiful to visit. Community members enjoy watching things grow and learning more about the plants as we go.

4 GoodGymers have supported Albrighton Community Garden with 2 tasks.

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Sam LefevreDavidFolarin

Ivy got you covered

Saturday 3rd August

Written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

David and Sam were back for Round 2 at the Albrighton Community centre and this time, they were joined by Folarin who is slowly edging towards his target for the year.

Elodie brought all the tools as we aimed to tackle another section of the overgrown community beds. We found hand power was better than tools to drag the ivy out. Although, shears and secateurs assisted us wherever we needed them.

After an hour, it was time to call it a day as we managed to get where we wanted to get to

We will be back for a group run in September and it just so happens to be Sam's last one as AA.

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SouthwarkCommunity mission
Sam LefevreDavidMaria Kostoulia

David's milestone is in the Ivy Leagues

Saturday 13th July

Written by Sam Lefevre (he/him)

On a Saturday morning, where David claimed his 50th good deed, we engaged with a new contact, Elodie from Albrighton Community centre to tackle big ivy that had engulfed the garden beds.

Maria and Sam were also present as they used the hour to pull, cut and dump the infectious ivy from outside the Community centre to a makeshift compost area.

Elodie was very impressed with the amount of work we managed to get done in the short space of time.

We will be back in August and September as there's lots to do.

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