Wednesday 17th May 2023
Report written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)
We made it in time (!) and got through to the back garden where we were faced with lots of huge dandelions, weeds covering the path and a willow that had gone beyond weeping and was starting to veer into triffid territory!
We were very pleased to see that Jen's work on the buddleia a few years ago was work done well and there were no signs of it returning!
Katie London did some excellent (and maybe health & safety breaking) compacting of the branches in the brown bin.
Angela made good use of Jo's folding branch saw and took down lots of the willow branches.
Rosie identified the plants vs weeds and Wilson worked so hard that she wore a hole in her glove.
An hour's work and we'd made a huge difference to the garden, it looks much more inviting and hopefully it'll be well used by the clients of PARCS.
Milestones: Tonight was Tony's 200th good deed and we also got to see Dave's new black t-shirt celebrating his 50th good deed last week. Tony's 200th t-shirt will be on display soon...
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